Pencil News

Recent news item about the Newsletter, Pencil Code office hours, and the the Pencil Code Steering Committee: [more...]

Get Pencil

There are several ways how to get the code. [more...]

Learn Pencil

Quick start guide for beginners, samples, manual & [more...]

The Pencil Code is a high-order finite-difference code for compressible hydrodynamic flows with magnetic fields. It is highly modular and can easily be adapted to different types of problems. The code runs efficiently under MPI on massively parallel shared- or distributed-memory computers.

The Pencil Code or equivalent codes have been used for many different applications in a (more or less) astrophysical context. Examples are

[Alpha-effect in box] [Outflow from accretion disc] [Perm dynamo experiment]
Outflows from
accretion discs
Available as open source code on It is being updated after each change in the developer's repository, which can be accessed both through svn and git; see